Day 348 Ulcinj - The abandoned salt factory


Brandon and I walked the 4km to Solana "Bajo Sekulic", the abandoned Salt flats and factory. Now a bird sanctuary, this was more of a bonus to the playground that was the factory. To stop poachers you have to sign in but then it's free reign.

There is a huge salt deposit in the main hangar which has a very satisfying crunch, not too dissimilar to snow, when you climb on it.

The workers clothes and some personal belongings had been left in the locker room and all of the machinery outside had corroded to a beautiful collection of oranges and browns.

There is a manor house at the head of the property where at the rear you can climb through a window. It was filled with used propane gas cylinders and there were old documents and typewriters strewn across the floor. On one side of the building the middle two of the four floors had fallen through. I ventured up to the top and edged my way around the side of a room, partly as to not be detected by the guard but mostly because the floor was highly unstable. On my seventh step approaching the window my left foot went straight through the floor! It felt like Balsa wood as the dry papery surface gave way. That was enough for me. There was nothing left in the room worth the risk. Heart pounding and a little jittery I went back out to see Brandon.

This picture was of a connecting conveyer to the main storage facility and that to had rusted through; I had already escaped unscathed once today and after testing its durability I concluded it was time to go.