
Frequently asked questions



How do you afford travel?
I travel on approximately $2-3 a day. It’s taken time to learn how and the most important lesson was to become comfortable being uncomfortable. I’m writing a piece to address this in full and hope to publish it soon.

Do I ever feel lonely?
Yes, even in a room full of people I can feel alone; out in the brush with my tent I am quite content. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

Do you miss home?
I miss people.  I miss friends and family but haven’t considered anywhere home for the past few years. The closest I have felt to home was living in Melbourne when I moved there in 2015.

Do you write the stories in real time?
I like to be present in the moment whilst travelling which doesn't afford the time to post everyday. I make notes and take thousands of pictures; I have a very good long term memory and write each diary entry some time after it has happened. I have a huge amount to come but that all depends on how this site and readership develop in the coming months.

Can I travel with you?
I invite friends and travel with people I meet on the road; so see you on the road?

When will you come to my country?
Is that an invite? Slowly i’d like to go everywhere, if that’s possible? Right now I’m interested in the Baltics and Caucasus so that’s probably where I’ll visit next.

What do you pack?
It depends where I’m going, the season and for how long; that being said, I travelled during winter for a month in the Balkans with a 36L rucksack. Soon I’ll publish packing lists and guides based on weekend trips, short and long term travel with seasons in mind.  Watch this space.