The Cathedral of Saint Domnius is the tallest building in Split with the clock tower reaching 65m. There are no railings or barriers preventing you from climbing onto the outside which means you can get quite a view. Looking down through the tower you can see the bell mechanism and here you can see Dick, Sam and Steve.
Much of the old town is made up by the 4th century Diocletian's Palace, which has an impressive set of underground chambers. These halls were an entranceway to the palace by sea via the Brass Gate and boats were able to berth there when the sea reached the walls of the palace. This allowed supplies to be delivered and noble guests could be received and taken straight to the upper levels. We walked through and since Dick and Steve had finished they decided to wait for Sam and I, who were still looking, at the reception. Whilst they waited they sat on a bench and were promptly asked not to sit on the 2000 year old stone structure.